The School Day
Here is a breakdown of our school day:
- We start our school day at 8:50 with our ‘Wake up, Shake up’ routine
- Registration takes place each morning at 9am. If your child is going to be absent for any reason, please telephone or email the school office.
- Children arriving after 9.15 am will be marked late.
- At 10.30, we have our daily collective worship (assembly)
- Morning break takes place between 10.45 am and 11am. Occasionally this may be altered to suit circumstances.
- Lunchtime is between 12.00pm and 1.00 pm.
- The afternoon session lasts from 1.00 pm until 3.30 pm when school finishes
PE and Forest Schools sessions alternate and take place on Monday afternoons. On Fridays, we go swimming at Wolsingham pool for part of each academic year.