The Durham Dales Federation is a federation of small rural primary schools, which was formed in September 2023. Staff from all schools work together to share expertise and to plan and deliver the curriculum. Our subject leaders co-ordinate their subjects across all the schools within our federation, which ensures that we can offer the same high-quality experiences to all pupils in our schools.
The Upper Dales schools of Wearhead and St John’s Chapel work together on a regular basis each week. At the start of the week, each school works in their own building and on Thursdays and Fridays, the schools come together on the St John’s Chapel Primary School site. On Federation days, we take advantage of the opportunities to work in larger groups with other children of the same age, and we often arrange visits and visitors for these days so that everyone can participate.
St John's Chapel & Wearhead Today, 10 of our KS2 pupils took part in a Shadow Curriculum Assessment and Review. The children took part in discussions about their school day, what makes it good and what could make it better. They had to think about the skills they learn in school and which skills were most important. They also met a neuroscientist, a biologist and an engineer from Durham University and learnt about their careers.
View this PostSt John's Chapel and Wearhead Primary Schools A big well done to this week's special certificate winners!
View this PostSt. John's Chapel Primary School and Wearhead Primary School Class 2 had a super time last Friday collaborating with Kerryanne! Together, they designed and created wonderful signs for our outdoor area. What an inspiring team effort!
View this PostLast week, Class Two and Class Three at St. John's Chapel Primary School put their bridge-building skills to the test! Using their knowledge of bridges, they designed and built structures to span a 15cm gap, then tested them to find the strongest design. Amazing work, future engineers!
View this PostLast week, Class Two at St. John's Chapel Primary explored healthy eating in their PSHE lesson! They matched foods with their sugar content and were shocked by some of the results.
View this PostSt John's Chapel Primary As part of our Topic work this afternoon, the children in year 5 & 6 have been investigating how different factors change the rate icebergs melt. They discovered that if the sea is more turbulent, then the iceberg will melt quicker and that the warmer the water is, the quicker an iceberg will melt.
View this PostIn Maths, Year 5 and 6 pupils at St. John's Chapel Primary have been exploring fractions by using cubes to find fractions of different amounts. Great hands-on learning!
View this PostWednesdays are a hit at Wearhead Primary Schoolit's roast dinner day, and one of our favourite meals of the week! Delicious food and happy smiles all around!
View this PostMaths is buzzing in Class 2 at Wearhead Primary School! Year 6 tackled reasoning skills, Year 5 solved two-step addition and subtraction problems, Year 4 worked on equivalent fractions, and Year 3 explored equivalent fractions using manipulatives. Brilliant focus from everyone!
View this PostSt John's Chapel & Wearhead Primary Schools On Friday, the children in year 5 and 6 worked with Kerryanne (from the North Pennine National Landscape) to weed the wildflower meadow. The children learnt how to identify creeping buttercup and other invasive plants.
View this PostSt John's Chapel Primary Yesterday, the children in KS2 enjoyed the a sunny Forest School session. The children used their knowledge from DT to build bridges using natural resources. We also cooked crumpets and scotch pancakes on the fire.
View this PostPlease see this week's Wake Up Wednesday. This week is all about the social media platform Bluesky.
View this PostHamsterley Primary School Class 1 had a fantastic afternoon in Forest School! First we walked around the school to find spring wildflowers. We used an 'I spy nature frame' to help us identify which wildflowers we had found Then we painted daffodils, filled flower pots for planting wildflower seeds and then got messy in the mud
View this PostHamsterley Primary School We have had an amazing day raising funds for Comic Relief today. With the slogan this year being, "Funny is Power!" our Student Council took control with our fundraising ideas. They decided that we were going to 'Go Red for Red Nose Day' and it was fab to see everyone dressed in red today. They also decided to celebrate Comic Relief's 40th birthday with the 'Big 40th Birthday Bake!' Children and parents created some delicious baked goods which our Class 2 Student Council children sold during the day and at home time to parents! Thank you all for your amazing efforts! We have raised a whopping £106.57 for this amazing cause! Thank you so much everyone!
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